Twenty twenty two

Why not start the new year with some simple new portraits. We set up a single light in front of a white wall and shot a few photos. I also took another shot at editing in Capture One 20. I think I will use it a lot more in the future.

January 2022, Gent

Shot on Fujifilm X-T4 + XF 56mm f/1.2


Majel’s Instagram:

All photos were shot with the modelling light of a studio strobe with a standard reflector.

We also shot some polaroids and frames on the Hasselblad 500CM. I converted the film images to black and white because the white balance of the film was completely off (as expected).

Polaroid i-Type film on Polaroid Onestep+

Fujifilm Pro 400H on Hasselblad 500CM, converted to black and white


Portfolioshoot with Félice


Quarantine Diaries